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Feb 27, 2019
In San Francisco CA | Events
BitAngels SF is a collaboration with ETC Labs and Transform Group.
BitAngels SF is a group of investors in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and other cryptocurrencies and tokens. The group was launched to promote education, ideas, and a peer community of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
BitAngels SF is the brainchild of Michael Terpin. BitAngels was an early investor in the Initial Coin Offerings market. They were seed investors in Ethereum, MadeSafe (first ICO), and many others. Now, BitAngels has set up a group of investors that are interested in learning about new blockchain companies, initial token offerings, and new security token offerings and exchanges.
ETC Labs is a blockchain accelerator located in downtown San Francisco with interests in Blockchain Infrastructure, Fintech, and Gaming. RSVP Here:
- Registration and Breakfast
- Welcome - Mariana Danilovic, Managing Director at Transform Group & Elizabeth Kukka, Program Director at ETC Labs
- Regulatory panel - Micheal Torosian, Partner at Pillsbury, will discuss regulatory progress
- Startup Presentations: Slips, Scanta, WeScreen, Rhombus, Statwig
- Wrap up
- Adjourn
A special thanks to our Sponsors for their contribution to BitAngels SF.
Ethereum Classic Labs
Transform Group
Interested in sponsorship, please email or call 415.710.8251
Feb 11, 2019
In San Francisco CA | Events
ETC Labs is hosting a Crypto Exchange event focusing on Centralized versus Decentralized exchanges, security, differentiation, and adoption. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each model, why choose one exchange over another, which wallet makes the most sense, what about security and more! Guest Speakers: Zeus Exchange, CredoEx, LA Token Agenda 6:00 - 6:30 - Registrations 6:30 - 7:00 - Panel 7:00 - 7:30 - Startup Presentations : Base Zero, Button, Cryzen, Ethernode 7:30 - 8:30 - Networking
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