Live Webinar: The Complexity and Interplay Among ADAAA, FMLA, and Worker's Comp (WC) - How Do They Work Together, or Not ? When: Wednesday August 25, 2021 - 01:00 PM Duration: 90 Minutes.
Ensuring compliance with FMLA can be frustrating for many HR professionals who are uncomfortable with the Act. This leads to litigation. Then, to add the ADAAA legal requirements adds to the confusion which can also lead to discrimination under civil rights law. Sometimes sprinkled in with FMLA and the ADAAA is WC – the nexus among the three legal requirements, especially as it relates to leave, medical certification, and getting the employee back to work as quickly as possible, can be daunting. This webinar will separate the three laws and examine how each law applies to work situations.
Why one should attend the training:
To review the intricacies of how WC, ADAAA, and WC intersect to provide employees’ coverage under these acts
To discuss the challenges in terminating an employee after they have expended their FMLA benefits without ignoring their rights through the ADAAA or state laws
To identify steps to follow when an employee fails to provide the requested and required medical certification
To explain the process in responding to an intermittent leave request that may include a potential ADAAA accommodat
To clarify a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities based on the ADAAA