Women's Leadership International Conference
The 16th Women's Leadership International Conference aims to bring together academics, educators, researchers, scientists, teachers, business leaders, practitioners and women in leadership to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of women's issues, humanities, liberal arts education, social sciences, cultural studies, arts management, film studies, composition studies, history, politics, American Studies, media, education psychology, Asian studies, and interdisciplinary studies.
The Women's Leadership International Conference will be held virtually at 10 am EST April 22 and 7.30 pm EST April 23 from Washington DC centering on the theme " Work-Life Balance under Covid 19: Family, Career, and Money."
Also, the conference provides an excellent venue for you to meet experts and researchers and present your projects to receive quality feedback. Speakers and presenters will share new concepts, best practices, knowledge, experience, strategies, and solutions, with a focus on promoting knowledge, sustainable development, economic justice, human rights, cultural diversity, ​research and development, innovation, and quality of life.
The conference welcomes proposals from experts in business, liberal arts education, social sciences, humanities, public policy, scholars, academics, consultants, professional researchers, practitioners, artists and performers, post-docs and PhD/graduate students. We also welcome case studies, work-in-progress reports, or proposals in order to generate discussion and feedback in any of the conference topic areas.
For questions, please contact the Advena World Conferences at submission@advenaworld.com
Website: advenaworld.com