Tackle your big spring cleaning with Clean Sweep! This popular, free event for Marysville residents takes place Saturday, April 20 2024, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Marysville Public Works, 80 Columbia Ave.
City residents* may bring these items for FREE disposal or recycling:
Electronics and e-waste
Computers and laptops
TVs and monitors (LCD, plasma, CRT)
Cell phones, tablets and e-readers
Printers, fax machines and scanners
AV equipment (DVD, VCR, Blu-Ray, stereo, gaming console, camera)
UPS battery backups
Remote controls
Microwaves, small electric kitchen appliances
To get more information visit here https://3rtechnology.com/events/city-of-marysville-spring-clean-up-event/